Equestrian Art is now looking to move on to its next stage of expansion.
We are looking to recruit a number of new agents to represent Equestrian Art International both in the UK and around world, especially in the Middle East, Far East (centred on Hong Kong and Singapore) and West Coast of the US.
Many of you will know that our East Coast agent Lindsey Perrow has been successfully representing EAIL’s interests in the US for a number of years and certainly the international markets for original contemporary equestrian fine art look healthy and ready for rapid development.
We have an open mind as to how our new agents represent the EAI brand in the UK and internationally and in what corporate/legal form that may take.
If any of you know any likely candidates who share the passion for the product and want to build on the success of EAI experience to date by developing your own business in this market, please contact in the first instance in confidence:
John Thorley
Director of Equestrian Art International
44 20 3642 8784 44 7754386891 [email protected]