In late Summer of 2020, when British racing was managing to survive against the odds, the principal owner of one of this country’s leading racing studs and partnerships had the opportunity to see some of the racing paintings by Vineta Sayer hanging in the Owners and Trainers’ Club at Newbury racecourse. The man in question was Phil Cunningham, successful businessman and head of The Rebel Racing partnership and syndicates. Phil was much taken by one particular painting and contacted Equestrian Art International to enquire on its availability.
The painting, along with a number of others by the artist had been commissioned and purchased by the Managing Director of Newbury, a couple of years previously. The good news however was EAI was able to offer Phil something even better: a commission by the artist featuring his own racehorses and jockeys wearing the Rebel Racing syndicate silks.
The artist, now living and working in France, produced a pencil sketch of the composition which was agreed with the client and the process of converting that into a 190 cm x 170 cm oil painting on canvas began. Because of the problems with lockdown, the finished painting was shipped from France by airfreight via Leipzig and delivered to the clients HQ in Newmarket and hung on the wall by EAI in time for Christmas Day, the promised deadline for delivery.